By Robert C. Jones
The Springfield School Committee recently introduced and voted on a policy to allow Springfield Police unrestricted and unencumbered access to ALL Springfield Public School camera systems.
Thereby giving what the DOJ characterizes as a corrupt institution the ability to spy and surveil YOUR children during school hours 5 days a week from the start of school to the end. Not only is this regime oppressive enough, now you give them more powers? The City of Springfield entered into an open-ended arrangement with the Springfield Police Department expanding their ability to spy on our kids with no basis, warrant or requirement of a law being broken. The other unconscionable tenet of this new policy is that it has no expiration date. The George Orwell classic “Big Brother” is manifesting right here in Springfield. How many affronts will the community take before they force a regime change of their own? The other glaring issue is why hasn’t this been communicated to Springfield parents? This vote, introduced and presented by Maria Perez, came and went without a whisper. Why the clandestineness?
So, who does this policy target? You don’t need to be a Rhodes Scholar to know it’s clearly aimed at Black and Brown communities, more specifically, kids, OUR kids!! Is it a surprise that only LaTonia Naylor, Denise Hurst and Barbara Gresham voted against this policy? Guess who wholeheartedly voted for this racist policy: the Mayor, Peter Murphy, Esq., Perez, and Chris Collins. Do they have kids in the Springfield Public Schools? Even if they did, they have the complexion for the protection and they wouldn’t be ‘targeted’ by this policy.
Springfield already has Quebec officers patrolling the schools and have had their share of issues, but to compound that with unregulated and unfettered access to this districts ubiquitous camera systems in our schools is a recipe for trouble.
What’s the alternative? Well, this is a voting year. These School Committee members just showed you how they feel about your family. Vote them out and replace them with people that won’t quietly pass raciallly biased policies that are detrimental and harmful to our children. You voted them in, now vote them out.
Hold politicians accountable, if you don’t, this is what you get.