Blue City Marketing – Jaquian Johnson

Jaquian was born and raised in Springfield. He graduated from Putnam High School in 2018, the first to graduate in his immediate family. He was well known for playing basketball there and earned the respect of his teammates as well as his coaches. At that time in his life, basketball was his only plan. Jaquian loved basketball and thought that was what he would be doing for an exceptionally long time, even as a career.
Adversity struck by way of an unforeseen family tragedy that put his life in a tailspin. He no longer could bring himself to play basketball and found himself wondering what was next as he had no plan B.
After searching and applying for different jobs, Jaquian applied for a random job in direct sales, and he found he was good at it, he found his niche. He was introduced to a system that is working for him, he applies this system to everything he does. He believes that applying this system will help him in his future business endeavors as well.
In direct sales, Jaquian knew that he would get paid based on his results, and the only limit on income was the limit he placed on himself. Not only is he involved in the potential financial gain, but the knowledge is also invaluable to him.
Jaquian partnered with his mentor James Taylor, who has established offices across the country, Jaquian chose the marketing and sales office here in Springfield. Training in direct sales, network marketing, the art of conversation, and time management, among other skills is provided in the office. Jaquian believes the knowledge he is gaining can be applied to life in general.
When I asked him what keeps him going, he replied “It’s for my siblings, growing up as the oldest they always looked up to me as the example to follow.” He wants them to know there is more to life than what they are currently living. Jaquian goes on to explain, “I’m a humble kid, I came from the bottom of the bottom, from poverty.”
From Jaquian’s perspective life is hard, but his siblings never seen him give up on anything he set his mind to do, he wants to show them through his example that even with the worst adversity that they faced, there is a way to come back. He understands that if you want your life to change, you must change your life.
He says, “You cannot sit around and wait for someone to come change your life, no one else can do it for you, you have to get up and change it for yourself.” He also says, “It comes in God’s timing, one step at a time, it usually never is an overnight success.”
In wrapping up the interview, I asked Jaquian what advice he would have for others looking to go into business, he said ”Do not limit yourself, understand that whatever you want to do you can do it”. He quotes Napoleon Hill “Whatever your mind can conceive, it can achieve.”
If you are interested in speaking with Jaquian and learning more about what he does, you can contact him at the information above. I enjoyed this interview because Jaquian is a young Black man who is making moves in a positive direction and that is something we can all celebrate.